Archives for: December 19th, 2018

Donor Spotlight: The Chicago Community Trust

The Chicago Community Trust partners with donors to support nonprofit organizations in bringing transformative impact to communities across Cook County. For over 100 years, the Trust has partnered with businesses, local governments, and organizations to promote causes that target structural inequalities, and drive equity and opportunity in the Chicago area. Over the years, The Chicago Community […]

Posted In: News

Recommendations for Building a Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment System for Illinois

  Thresholds, Kennedy Forum Illinois, and NAMI Chicago issue joint recommendations for legislators; Governor-elect Pritzker Read the recommendations: Executive Summary (link) Full Report (link) Chicago, IL – Mental health and substance use treatment work. They just need to be accessible at the right time and in the right place. With stable housing, employment opportunities, support […]

Posted In: Advocacy, News, Uncategorized