Category: Uncategorized

Recommendations for Building a Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment System for Illinois

  Thresholds, Kennedy Forum Illinois, and NAMI Chicago issue joint recommendations for legislators; Governor-elect Pritzker Read the recommendations: Executive Summary (link) Full Report (link) Chicago, IL – Mental health and substance use treatment work. They just need to be accessible at the right time and in the right place. With stable housing, employment opportunities, support […]

Posted In: Advocacy, News, Uncategorized

Thresholds Awarded Additional Grant from Boeing Company

Contribution Adds $115,000 Grant for Veteran Mental Health Services Chicago, IL – Today, the Boeing Company announced that it has awarded the Thresholds Veterans Project an additional grant of $115,000 to support a variety of evidenced-based therapies designed to help veterans manage their symptoms and work through trauma. The award will enhance the Veterans Project’s […]

Posted In: Community Event, Email, News, Social Media, Uncategorized

Bi-partisan Opioid Bill Expanding Access to Treatment Becomes Federal Law

This week, bi-partisan opioid legislation, called the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, was signed into law. We commend both parties and both houses of Congress for coming together to stem the devastating opioid epidemic sweeping the nation. The package improves access to treatment by establishing grants for comprehensive recovery centers, expanding access to medication […]

Posted In: Advocacy, News, Social Media, Uncategorized

Donor Spotlight: Robert R. McCormick Foundation

Donor Spotlight: Robert R. McCormick Foundation In this month’s Donor Spotlight, Thresholds is featuring the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, a long-time supporter and partner of the agency. The McCormick Foundation’s philanthropic mission is to foster communities of educated, informed, and engaged citizens.Through its generous support, the foundation continues the legacy of Col. Robert R. McCormick […]

Posted In: News, Social Media, Uncategorized

Governor Rauner Signs Early Mental Health and Addictions Treatment Act

Thresholds championed bill that provides early interventions for young people that prevent lifetime of disability and illness Chicago, IL – Today Governor Rauner signed the bi-partisan Early Mental Health and Addictions Treatment Act into law.  Illinois will be the first state in the country to cover early treatment models through its Medicaid program if the […]

Posted In: Advocacy, Email, News, Social Media, Uncategorized