"Thresholds Health Literacy Center" over several cartoons of organs. Below it says "Project funded by NIDILRR/ACL, #90DPHF001".
Thresholds Health Literacy Center
Simple tools. Healthier lives.

The Thresholds Health Literacy Center (HLC), funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR, 90DPHF0001), focuses on health and wellness among individuals with serious mental illness who live with other co-occurring disabilities and physical health conditions. The HLC has a specific interest in health literacy and promoting wellness as a means to enhance mental health recovery, function, and community participation.

The research and developmental activities included in the HLC focus on three projects:

Project 1 is an exploratory longitudinal study of chronic physical health conditions among individuals with psychiatric disabilities, focusing on health screening and management of chronic health and utilization of health services over two years.

Project 2 focuses on improving health literacy and promoting wellness among individuals with psychiatric disabilities and workforce providers. This second project builds on findings from the longitudinal health study to develop, evaluate, and disseminate a comprehensive, coordinated series of health literacy and wellness promotion modules and tools. These materials integrate components specifically relevant to illness risk and health management for the target population and the behavioral health workforce.

Project 3 focuses on developing, pilot testing, refining, and disseminating state-of the-science skills modules focused on promoting health, improving wellness, and addressing needs related to reproductive health, sexuality, and sexual behaviors among diverse individuals in recovery.

The HLC is in partnership with the University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Medicine.

Download free materials from the Thresholds HLC and visit our online health webinar library at the links below:

Thresholds HLC Health Awareness Tools
(all files are downloadable PDF)

Mental Health:

Suicide Awareness Among Individuals with Serious Mental Illness Strategies for Promoting Mental Illness Awareness in Your Community A Thresholds Time Capsule- Dincin’s Original 6 Goals 5 R’s of Medication Adherence Thresholds Peer Health Navigator Research Report- May 2023 Quit Smoking to Improve Mental Health Seasonal Changes and Mental Health

Respiratory Health/Smoking Cessation:

Feeling Targeted by Big Tobacco? 10 Ways to Reduce Nicotine Cravings Respiratory Health Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Air Quality and Respiratory Health Quit Smoking to Improve Mental Health Promoting Respiratory Health and Wellness

Promoting Healthy Sleep:

The Importance of Healthy Sleep & Wellness

Sleep Wellness

Heart Health:

Tips for a Strong, Healthy Heart

Eating Healthy For Your Heart Building a Healthy & Balanced Plate 5 Things to Know About Hypertension Quit Smoking to Improve Mental Health Healthy Heart Habits Hypertension mini tool

Substance Use:

Alcohol Awareness for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness Chronic Liver Disease & Liver Health Feeling Targeted by Big Tobacco? 10 Ways to Reduce Nicotine Cravings Quit Smoking to Improve Mental Health

COVID Tools:

Staying Safe During COVID-19: Daily & Weekly Activities Depression, Anxiety & COVID-19 UIC COVID-19 Impact Impact of COVID-19 for People with Substance Use Conditions Impact of COVID-19 for People With Mental Health Conditions Covid Vaccination Member Fact Sheet Variants of COVID-19 and Safety COVID-19 Booster

Health Screenings:

Colorectal Cancer Screening & Prevention for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness January is Cervical Health Month: Supporting Individuals in Scheduling & Attending Pelvic Exams Men’s Health: Recommended Schedule of Screenings, Well-Care Visits & Vaccinations Immunizations and You World AIDS Day Awareness Mammography & Breast Health Health Screenings as We Age Chronic Liver Disease & Liver Health Get to Know Your Kidneys

Special Population Tools:

Colorectal Cancer Screening & Prevention for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness January is Cervical Health Month: Supporting Individuals in Scheduling & Attending Pelvic Exams Men’s Health: Recommended Schedule of Screenings, Well-Care Visits & Vaccinations Mammography & Breast Health Health Screenings as We Age Coming Out Day 2023 Trans-Inclusive Care: Strategies for Supporting Gender Diverse Individuals


Thresholds HLC Health Awareness Tools in Spanish
(all files are downloadable PDF)

Examenes de Salud para Todas las Edades

Navegando por la Adherencia a los Medicamentos

Planear para Mi Visita Medica

Creando una Rutina Saludable para tu Cuerpo y Mente


Digital Health Tools

23,468,223 Digital health Vector Images | Depositphotos Portal - Free medical icons
Email and Voicemail: Valuable Tools in Healthcare and Beyond Digital Health 2.0 Health Portals for Better Health Communication 


Thresholds HLC Webinar Library

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Celebrating World Health Day! Cognition, Alzheimer’s Disease and the SMI Community Diabetes in the Mental Health Community
Environmental Health and YOU Exercise & Healthy Eating: Eat Well, Move More, Live Longer Glaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight Hypertension Awareness
Oral Health Preparation for a Colonoscopy Sun Health & Summer Safety

Understanding Sleep and Sleep Wellness


Fruit or Vegetable of the Month Resources
(all files are downloadable PDF)
Acorn Squash Apples Banana Bell Pepper Blueberry Brussels Sprouts Cabbage Carrot Cauliflower Chickpeas


Collard Greens Corn Cranberry Cucumber



Grapefruit Green Bean Mushrooms Peach


Pear Pineapple Plum Pumpkin Strawberry Sweet Potato Tangerine Tomato Watermelon Zucchini

Anti-Inflammatory Food                       Healthy Food For The Stomach                   Eating The Rainbow          Food Accessibility

Thresholds Health Literacy Calendar 2023







Eye Exam Frequency 7 Steps to a Healthier Heart Eating the Rainbow World Health Day Stroke Symptoms National HIV Testing Day







Illinois Warm Line Eating to Reduce Inflammation Utilizing 988 Tips for Health Literacy 5 Healthy Habits for Diabetes Awareness Month Immunizations and You